Bitwig has plenty of modulation possibilities for generative music, its modulation system, poly-modular synth... now all its power comes to notes.
"While each device has a focus of its own, some themes emerge. Some add randomization to each note that passes through. A couple of these musical tools make notes more similar, and others diversify them. Most of these devices put notes into motion, including three different kinds of “note repeats.” And this is all before you try two effects together, or add Bitwig's modulators to the mix.

Every device is a tool offering new musical possibilities, and 70 new factory presets show a little of what is possible with each of them. But these devices are made to mix and match. Try a Dribble to make your chords kinetic, followed by a Strum to tidy things up as a speed limiter. Or Bend a single note into Multi-note so that all notes glide together, then Humanize the output so they aren't perfectly aligned. And when taken together with old friends like Arpeggiator, Micro-pitch, HW CV Instrument, or your favorite plug-in — new ideas are just waiting to be found."
More details can be found at